The latest Wellbeing Survey shows that, while the smoking rate in Guernsey is at an all time low, vaping rates have doubled.
More than 2,300 islanders took part in the 2023 Wellbeing Survey.
It showed that since its launch in 1988, when 30% smoked, that figure is now 9%.
Head of Public Health Intelligence, Jenny Cataroche, says some population groups still try smoking:
"In females aged 16-24 smoking is estimated to be 16.5% which gives us an idea of where to focus our efforts."
She says vaping rates are at 11% but in some population categories, they are markedly higher:
"This follows national and global trends, so Guernsey and Alderney aren't alone in this. But more than one third of young women, aged 16 to 24, say they vape. This will continue to be a priority area for Public Health."
Jenny Cataroche says a significant number of people had risky drinking habits:
"The proportion exceeding the 14 units per week threshold is persistently high. More than one third are doing so at levels which put their health at risk."
Guernsey has a high incidence of skin cancer, and the survey showed 45% of people had been sunburned at least once in the year before taking the survey.
The awareness of the signs and symptoms of skin cancer has dropped from 17% in 2018 to 12% five years later.
Jenny Cataroche says questions on active travel have been included for the first time:
"72% had walked for the purpose of getting from A to B and 37% had used cycling for transport. These results are 20% higher than the England rate. There's always more that can be done, but we are encouraged by these results."
The survey is published at the same time as the 2023-24 Public Health report which warns that Guernsey's health system will be overwhelmed in just 20 years if action isn't taken to improve peoples' health.