A new 'four-pillar plan' from Health and Social Care aims to improve the island's mental wellbeing.
HSC hopes Guernsey's new six-year Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy will benefit the entire population.
Developed by the re-established Mental Health and Wellbeing Steering Group, it covers all steps of mental health - from self-management of symptoms to crisis support.
The fresh approach to care sees the plan divided into four 'pillars'.
Public Health Programme Manager Heather Ewert has been explaining to Island FM:
"We wanted to have equal attention given to all those areas, which is why we divided them up that way."The four pillars of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2029
Guernsey's Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink explains what good mental health means:
"It’s a state of wellbeing where an individual can realise their potential. They can work productively and they’re able to contribute to the community."
She says they hope to see improvement in the island community's mental wellbeing by 2029:
"At the end of the six years, it’s not job done.
This is a continuous journey that we’re on, and we want to promote mental health and well-being into the future.
What we want to see is a shift of the curve, so that more islanders live with good mental health or are flourishing, and that is something that we feel would be a great achievement."
Model of psychological resource by proportion of the population
The first 'progress report' will be made public in 2024.
The strategy - which includes all actions to be taken until 2029 - is available to read online.