Responses to the Guernsey Community Survey reveal our feelings on a range topics - from household expenditure to feelings about the current Covid pandemic.
3,699 people answered the questions, making it the most responded-to States survey so far. The replies suggest:
- 83% thought the lockdown restrictions were fair and justified.
- 13% thought at least some aspects were not.
- Household expenditure decreased during lockdown for 54% of respondents, stayed the same for 29% and went up for 17%.
- Household income decreased for 38% of respondents, stayed the same for 57% and went up for 5%.
- 20% said their physical activity increased a lot, and 17% said it decreased a lot.
- 55% rated their life satisfaction as six or more out of eight. This compares to 63% in 2018.
The survey also revealed our feelings on the current pandemic. 48% of people said they were concerned about a second wave of Covid-19 and 10% said they were concerned with the Bailiwick bubble becoming closed off to the rest of the world.
P&R President, Deputy Gavin St Pier, released the following statement:
“I am encouraged first and foremost by the large number of people who took part in the survey. It’s a tremendous response and the feedback will help to shape the government’s thinking as we move forward with our pandemic response.
These results suggest there is a lot of support from the community for how the response has been handled so far. I don’t see that as vindication. This has been a situation no one has faced before and there was no way to know at the outset if our plan for responding would be the right one, and even now is too early to be certain of that.
We also need to be mindful that what has worked so far may not work if we face a second wave or other challenges presented by the pandemic, it will depend very much on the circumstances at the time. But I do see it as a reflection of how the community came together, pulling in the same direction. To me, that is what has made the Bailiwick’s response such a success so far.”