The States of Guernsey has further set out its plans for this political term - with action points totalling £650m.
The Plan pulls together the government's intended work into a single document.
It follows initial agreement of the authorities' priorities in the States in March.
*responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.
*managing the effects of Brexit
*delivering recovery actions
*re-shaping government
The Top 10 list of 'recovery actions' announced today are:
o Housing: scope and deliver urgent measures necessary to address housing pressures;
o Education: Commence the reorganisation of secondary and post 16 education;
o Skills: set out and resource proposals to grow knowledge and skills in our community;
o Digital infrastructure: determine and begin implementation of the approach to enhanced digital infrastructure;
o Children: support vulnerable children through revision to Children’s Law and action on the Outcomes Report;
o Population: assess the fitness for purpose of our population and immigration framework, recognising the need to balance economic needs with maintaining quality of life;
o Finance and tourism invest additional funding into promoting Guernsey’s finance sector and establish a tourism plan and campaign to expand Guernsey’s tourism offer;
o Regeneration: establish a development agency and enable work to begin on the development of the seafront masterplan;
o Transport: set out a clear and coordinated transport connectivity and infrastructure policy and further develop the general and commercial aviation sector;
o Health recovery: support the physical and mental health recovery of islanders through new occupational health schemes and a pilot mental health centre.
The plan also aims to address underinvestment in infrastructure by borrowing £200m.
"There has been underinvestment in critical national and economic infrastructure – capital investment is now vital to deliver this Plan. The recommendation, which is affordable in the medium term, is to utilise existing financial assets and borrow a further £200m to invest in our infrastructure, improve our financial resilience and boost economic recovery and expansion." - Deputy Mark Helyar, Treasury Lead for Policy and Resources.
The Government Work Plan will be debated at the July States sitting.