The average price paid for a three bedroom house in Jersey is now £605,000
That's risen by £25,000 in the first three months of this year to the highest ever average price.
Latest figures also reveal the sales of 3 bed homes is at a five year low.
The average price paid for a property in the first quarter of 2019 was 489,000. That is largely unchanged from the 2018 figure.
Taking seasonal adjustments into account, the average was 4% higher than at the end of last year and 2% up on the start of 2018.
In February the stats revealed the biggest annual house price rise in a decade, putting a mortgage for a house of any size - rather than a 1 or 2 bedroom flat - beyond the reach of a couple on average earnings.
Transactions of 3 bedroom homes fell to their lowest number since spring 2013.
Mean prices by size in Q1 2019 compared with Q4 2018:
1 bedroom flat - £255,000, up £17,000
2 bedroom flat - £413,000, up £13,000
2 bedroom house - £482,000, up £26,000 - also the highest average price ever recorded
3 bedroom house - £605,000, up £25,000
4 bedroom house - £924,000, down £4,000