Arthur and Willow were the most popular baby names in Jersey in 2022.
Arthur was the most common choice of names for boys for a second consecutive year, while Willow took the top spot for newborn girls.
Aria and Florence made it onto the girls top ten for the first time
Luca, Theodore, Frederick, Finn and Albert were new arrivals for the boys.
Just 835 babies were born in Jersey in 2022. That is the lowest number since the 1970s.
Singer Pink named her daughter Willow in 2011. while Ellie Goulding chose Arthur for her son who was born in 2021.
The Superintendent Registrar's annual statement also shows that, in contrast, the death-rate was at its highest since 1995 at 874.
439 couples tied the knot, broadly the same number of marriages as in 2021.
Superintendent Registrar, Claire Follain says the annual statement gives insights to the key life events of the island.
"It provides us with an interesting indication of social and lifestyle trends and changes in Jersey which are very much in line with the other Chanel Islands and the United Kingdom."