A UK Professor is in Jersey to talk about prescribing medicinal cannabis.
Mike Barnes, who co-wrote a book called ‘Cannabis: The Evidence for Medical Use’, is meeting GPs and politicians.
All medical professionals in Jersey are set to be able to dispense the drug from the end of February.
It follows a States vote earlier this month brought by Deputy Montfort Tadier, who has been campaigning to speed up the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use.
” I hope it will be the start of cannabis products being available for many, many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. And I think Jersey, in terms of the exact regulations, is leading the charge if you like and has been very good in producing these guidelines so that GPs (and not just specialist consultants) can also prescribe.”
“It will take some time for some doctors to become familiar and more confident with prescribing. So there is bound to be some uncertainty, but I hope we can reassure people that, with a training programme, they can prescribe and it is a relatively straight-forward and safe thing to do.” -Professor Barnes, consultant neurologist
Members of the public can hear from Professor Barnes at the Town Hall from 7pm.