Landlords Claim Up To £25K For New Heaters

Jersey's landlords can claim up to £25,000 if they switch to new low-carbon heaters.

The government has broadened their low-carbon heater scheme to landlords, offering to match up to £5,000 for a maximum of five properties.

Money from the scheme is to replace gas boilers or oil-fuelled heating systems with a greener alternative, such as an electric flow boiler, electric storage and panel radiators and air source heat pumps.

Energy and Climate Change Minister, Deputy Hillary Jeune says it has already been popular amongst landlords.

"This also includes, of course, social and parish housing.

"Of course, Andium Homes are already done with low-carbon heating systems, so this scheme is mainly focused on other housing landlords to apply for the scheme and other parish housing as well."

It comes after the government has already given out more than £415,000 in funding for homeowners, with up to £10,000 for low-income families.

A total of £5.7m has been set aside to support islanders to make the change by 2025.

It is hoped that the grant will help to reduce carbon emissions as heating is the second largest contributor.

The government wants to see the island becoming carbon neutral by 2025, something it is hoping to achieve through its Carbon Neutral Roadmap, which includes other schemes.

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