Nominations are open for the 2019 Variety Young Star of the Year Awards.
The awards celebrate children's courage, creativity and commitment.
Milo Baudains won last year's top prize, for looking after his disabled mum.
Young Star Chairman Sandra Auckland says there's so many children in Jersey who deserve to be celebrated.
"They do things without even thinking. Like Milo, with his mum in the wheelchair. He cares for her, he makes sure she doesn't fall. These are the sort of children we are looking for.
"People who help in the community, people who are coming through illnesses or they are courageous in some other way."
Nominations are open until 15th February, with a special gala held for those shortlisted on 9th June.
The overall Young Star of the Year will win £5,000 worth of travel vouchers to go towards a family holiday of their choice.
Winners of each category will get £500 worth of vouchers, with the runners up getting £100 vouchers.
Mrs Auckland says its important to showcase the fantastic young people the island has.
"All the children who are shortlisted, we get them videoed. At the ceremony, people see the videos and they get to see why these children have been put forward.
"That's when it becomes very emotional. It's so special."
Nominations can be made here. Hard copies of the nomination forms are also available in schools or can be collected from all Co-op food stores and parish halls.