Andy Weir has been appointed Director of Mental Health and Adult Social Care on a permanent basis.
He has been in the role on secondment from the NHS since January.
The government has announced he has got the job following an external recruitment process and interview panel chaired by the Jersey Appointments Commissioner.
The panel included an islander with experience of using Jersey's adult mental health services.
Mr Weir was previously Deputy Chief Operating Officer for the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
He has worked as a Registered Mental Health Nurse and in Director roles across mental health and social care services for more than 25 years.
Mr Weir says he is delighted to have the opportunity to build on the significant work being done to improve services.
“I have been really struck by the number of people – HCS staff, partner agencies, and in particular service users and carers - who are committed to developing and improving our mental health and social care services. I very much look forward to working with them going forwards – I really do believe the potential is huge if we all work together.”
Deputy Rose Binet, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services with delegated responsibility for mental health, says, “Andy has hit the ground running since he started in role in January. I’m delighted to announce that he has been appointed permanently following a rigorous recruitment process and am glad that he can continue with the great work that he has already started.”
Mr Weir takes the Director of Mental Health role just as a review of Jersey's hospital project has recommended a potential standalone mental health facility.
"... the Review team considers that it could be prudent to undertake a separate review in relation to the Island’s mental health facilities requirements, to fully understand where they might best be located, whilst ensuring the right range of services are available to Islanders and fit as part of a holistic programme of healthcare facilities redevelopment."
Deputy Tom Binet, who led the review, says he would like to work with Mr Weir on a programme 'as soon as we can'.