The chair of the States Employment Board has described her position during negotiations with unions over pay awards as ‘piggy in the middle’.
Jersey’s civil servant and teaching unions, who are having a two year deal imposed on them, have criticised talks and the timing of yesterday’s announcement.
Senator Tracey Vallois says it’s something that should have been sorted long ago.
“We would never want to be in this position in the first place. The problem I’ve particularly got is of course we’ve only got a budget as set by the medium-term financial plan as it currently stands and we have to work within that.”
Senator Vallois has also refuted a teaching union’s claim that imposing a pay offer before Christmas is a ‘cynical’ move.
National Education Union Regional Secretary Andy Woolley made the accusation.
“I think it’s quite a cynical step to do it now. People will get a back-paid lump sum, which is not as much as they should have got, just before Christmas.
“I think it’s a consolidated move, but our members are intelligent enough to know that that bribe, if you like, isn’t enough – that they should be getting a proper rate of pay, and they should have had it in January.”
Senator Vallois has told Channel 103 she’s not happy with how negotiations have gone.
However she says the SEB has inherited this situation.
“It’s a bit like playing ‘piggy in the middle’. You’re hearing one thing from officers who support the States Employment Board and you’re hearing one thing from the unions.
“I’m quite concerned that with regards to issues around discussions not taking place. I believe our officers have been in discussions with them.”
Channel 103 understands that JCSA Prospect officials are issuing the States with its plans for ‘further industrial action’ today.
Jersey teachers will now be balloted on planned industrial action, leading up to a strike.
“It’s an unfortunate position that we’re in in terms of the unions looking for industrial action.
“The next process that the unions can go for in terms of challenging the implementation of this pay is with regards to dispute resolution procedures.” – Senator Tracey Vallois.