Short Breaks Service Under Review

Parents and carers in Jersey who use the government's short breaks service are being asked to help shape improvements amid concerns about its capacity and provision.

A new survey also wants to hear from families who might be eligible to use the service, but don't.

Centrepoint Trust, Autism Jersey and the Youth Service provide extra support for 4-18 year olds who struggle to attend other after school or holiday clubs.

Education Minister Deputy Inna Gardiner says availability, capacity and accessibility needs to be looked at to make sure there are no barriers to young people using the service.

“That is why we are asking parents and carers to tell us what they want from the provision, so we can understand what is working and which areas need to be improved on.

The feedback we receive will be used to inform recommendations for the future of Short Breaks and parents and carers will be able to see the development of the provision.”

The team also wants to hear from any parents or carers who would like to have further involvement in developing the provision once the recommendations from the survey have been received.

The survey is open until Friday 8 September at

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