'Standalone' mental health services is among the recommendations of the 'Our Hospital Project' review, which recommends a multi-site hospital built in stages.
A final report into alternative options for the proposed £800+ million hospital at Overdale has concluded Jersey's future health facilities should instead be developed across two or more sites, including Overdale, Kensington Place and the existing hospital site on Gloucester Street.
It says, over the next three to six months, work should be done with healthcare staff to determine what services are placed where.
Among its recommendations:
"The Review also found that mental health services could be established at a separate standalone location, which could be on the Overdale site, although further work would need to be undertaken to validate this possibility."
"... the Review team considers that it could be prudent to undertake a separate review in relation to the Island’s mental health facilities requirements, to fully understand where they might best be located, whilst ensuring the right range of services are available to Islanders and fit as part of a holistic programme of healthcare facilities redevelopment."
Infrastructure Minister Deputy Tom Binet has told Channel 103 that improving mental health services is a 'major priority', conceding that 'it's widely accepted that historically services on the island haven't been good'.
"We've asked permission to begin an immediate review process similar to the 'Our Hospital Project' into how we can move our mental health facilities forward.
As an island, we have just appointed a new Mental Health Director for the first time in a long time and we would like to work with him to work on a programme as soon as we can."
The review anticipates the suggested new standalone mental health services could be established within the next five years, with proposals for a site for them within 36 months and a two-year construction programme.