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Travel Advice Issued Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Jersey's government has issued advice to anyone who's returned to the island in the last fortnight from an area affected by the coronavirus.

The World Health Organisation has now classified the virus as a health emergency of international concern.

There are two confirmed cases in the UK, but none in Jersey.

There's a list of the affected areas here.

That advice includes:

  • Stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as they would with other flu viruses
  • Phone their GP and inform them of any symptoms and recent travel
  • Avoid work, school and other public areas
  • Avoid visitors to their homes
  • Avoid using public transport or taxis
  • Be vigilant about hand washing and respiratory hygiene (using tissues)

They should still follow this advice even if they don't have the symptoms, which include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Anyone who has to travel to an affected area should:

  • Regularly wash hands or use alcohol gel
  • Avoid close contact with sick people and sick animals
  • Avoid visiting wet or live markets with animals and their droppings

Banners with this advice are on display at the airport, the harbour and in hospital and GP surgeries.

Islanders who think they may have contracted the coronavirus are asked NOT to go to the hospital or their GP unannounced.

There's a dedicated page on the coronavirus on the Jersey government website.

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